Browsing by Author Sánchez Brualla, Alicia

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
9-Apr-2019An Exploratory analysis of the representations of functions in the university entrance exam in Spain and IranBorji, Vahid; Sánchez Brualla, Alicia
25-Mar-2018Application of the complementarities of two theories, APOA and OSA, for the analysis of the university students' understanding on the graph of the function and its derivativeBorji, Vahid; Font Moll, Vicenç; Alamolhodaei, H.; Sánchez Brualla, Alicia
Jun-2015Educación para la ciudadanía global basada en investigación: marco teóricoEgea Andrés, Àlex; González Floriano, Nuria; Marín, Anna, 1965-; Sánchez Brualla, Alicia; Tey, Amèlia
1-Apr-2021El Papel de la Fase de Observación de la Implementación en la Metodología Estudio De ClasesBreda, Adriana; Hummes, Viviane; Da Silva, Rodrigo Sychocki; Sánchez Brualla, Alicia
2-Oct-2024The incorporation of the active gamification methodology in the didactic units of Preservice Secondary mathematics teachersCortés, Alexandre; Breda, Adriana; Sánchez Brualla, Alicia; Farsani, Danyal; Silva, Douglas Tinti da
24-Oct-2018Inside the Mathematics class. Sociological perspectives on participation, inclusion, and enhancementSánchez Brualla, Alicia
29-Oct-2021Perspectivas de los futuros profesores de matemáticas de educación secundaria sobre la creatividad y su desarrollo en las clasesSánchez Brualla, Alicia
2-Oct-2024Prospective Teachers’ Reflection on the Inclusion of Mathematical Modelling in Three Teaching ContextsLedezma, Carlos; Sánchez Brualla, Alicia; Breda, Adriana; Font Moll, Vicenç