Showing results 1 to 20 of 105
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
3-May-2022 | A green approach to phenolic compounds recovery from olive mill and winery wastes | Tapia-Quirós, Paulina; Montenegro-Landívar, Maria Fernanda; Vecino, Xanel; Alvarino, Teresa; Cortina Pallàs, José Luis; Saurina, Javier; Granados i Juan, Mercè; Reig, Monica |
17-Feb-2023 | An overview of the extraction and chromatographic characterization of bioactive phenolic compounds from agri-food residues waste within the framework of circular bioeconomy | Mir-Cerdà, Aina; Núñez Burcio, Oscar; Granados i Juan, Mercè; Sentellas, Sonia; Saurina, Javier |
31-Aug-2021 | Analytical methods for exploring nutraceuticals based on phenolic acids and polyphenols | Vidal Casanella, Oscar; Núñez Burcio, Oscar; Granados i Juan, Mercè; Saurina, Javier; Sentellas, Sonia |
21-Oct-2020 | Assessment of experimental factors affecting the sensitivity and selectivity of the spectrophotometric estimation of proanthocyanidins in foods and nutraceuticals | Vidal Casanella, Oscar; Núñez Burcio, Oscar; Hernández Cassou, Santiago; Saurina, Javier |
23-Feb-2021 | Assessment of paprika geographical origin fraud by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (HPLC-FLD) fingerprinting | Campmajó Galván, Guillem; Rodríguez-Javier, Luis R.; Saurina, Javier; Núñez Burcio, Oscar |
Jan-2020 | Assessment of polymeric resins for the recovery of polyphenols | Tabla Ruiz, Núria |
2022 | Autenticació de cafès mitjançant mètodes de GC-MS i quimiometria. Aplicació a la detecció i quantificació de mostres de cafè adulterades Coffee authentication using GC-MS and chemometric methods. Application to the detection and quantitation of adulterated coffee samples | Núñez, Nerea; Moret, Erica; Lucci, Paolo; Saurina, Javier; Núñez Burcio, Oscar |
20-Mar-2018 | Authentication and quantitation of frauds in extra virgin olive oils based on HPLC-UV fingerprinting and multiariate calibration | Carranco, Núria; Farrés-Cebrián, Mireia; Saurina, Javier; Núñez Burcio, Oscar |
2023 | Authentication of Cocoa Products Based on Profiling and Fingerprinting Approaches: Assessment of Geographical, Varietal, Agricultural and Processing Features | Sentellas, Sonia; Saurina, Javier |
20-Mar-2020 | Authentication of the origin, variety and roasting degree of coffee samples by non-targeted HPLC-UV fingerprinting and chemometrics. Application to the detection and quantitation of adulterated coffee samples | Núñez, Nerea; Collado, Xavi; Martínez, Clara; Saurina, Javier; Núñez Burcio, Oscar |
12-Apr-2021 | Authenticity assessment and fraud quantitation of coffee adulterated with chicory, barley and blours by untargeted HPLC-UV-FLD fingerprinting and chemometrics | Núñez, Nerea; Saurina, Javier; Núñez Burcio, Oscar |
2021 | Berry-based products classification by FIA−HRMS fingerprinting and chemometric analysis | Campmajó Galván, Guillem; Saurina, Javier; Núñez Burcio, Oscar |
16-Nov-2010 | Caracterització espectroscòpica i cromatogràfica de sistemes d'alliberament controlat preparats mitjançant tecnologies supercrítiques | Argemí Garcia, Anna |
22-Jul-2024 | Caracterització i autenticació de productes nutracèutics i aliments funcionals per mètodes cromatogràfics i índexs espectroscòpics amb tractament quimiomètric de les dades | Vidal Casanella, Oscar |
2022 | Characterization and Classification of Spanish Honey by Non-targeted LC-HRMS (Orbitrap) Fingerprinting and Multivariate Chemometric Methods | García Seval, Victor; Saurina, Javier; Sentellas, Sonia; Núñez Burcio, Oscar |
Feb-2023 | Characterization and classification of Spanish honeydew and blossom honeys based on their antioxidant capacity | Fernández-Estellé, Mónica; Hernández-González, Víctor; Saurina, Javier; Núñez Burcio, Oscar; Sentellas, Sonia |
Jun-2014 | Characterization of beers by liquid chromatography and chemometric data analysis | Pérez Ràfols, Clara |
16-Jan-2014 | Characterization of fruit products by capillary zone electrophoresis and liquid chromatography using the compositional profiles of polyphenols. Application to authentication of natural extracts | Navarro Reig, Meritxell; Núñez Burcio, Oscar; Saurina, Javier; Hernández Cassou, Santiago; Puignou i Garcia, Lluís |
13-Oct-2021 | Characterization of Musts, Wines and Sparkling Wines Based on Their Elemental Composition Determined by ICP-OES and ICP-MS | Granell, Biel; Izquierdo Llopart, Anaïs; Sahuquillo, Àngel; Saurina, Javier; López Sánchez, José Fermín |
1-Mar-2022 | Characterization of Musts, Wines, and Sparkling Wines Based on Their Elemental Composition Determined by ICP-OES and ICP-MS | Granell Geli, Biel; Izquierdo-Llopart, Anais; Sahuquillo Estrugo, Àngels; López Sánchez, José Fermín; Saurina, Javier |