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Title: A proposed sequence of activities inspired by Galileo to exercise reasoning and modelling about motion and frames of reference
Author: Castells Llavanera, Marina
Konstantinidou, Aikaterini
García-Lladó, Àngela
Keywords: Física
Ensenyament primari
Ensenyament secundari
Primary education
Secondary education
Issue Date: 26-Apr-2019
Publisher: Institute of Physics (IOP)
Abstract: This paper presents a proposed teaching sequence by means of the description of teacher-mediated activities in a teaching sequence completed by primary and secondary education teacher trainees engaged in physics modelling. During the sequence, students solve a series of activities guided by the trainee teachers, whose discourse includes verbal and nonverbal communication and actions on or with physical objects, drawings, diagrams, graphs and other communicative resources. The students are guided through a process of knowledge building that begins with physical phenomena and advances through several levels of abstraction. This paper illustrates the process by analysing the narrative of the teaching sequence and the detail of some of the activities with the role of teachers and students in the physics modelling process.
Note: Reproducció del document publicat a:
It is part of: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019, vol. 1076, num. 1, p. 012023
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ISSN: 1742-6588
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Educació Lingüística, Científica i Matemàtica)

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