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Title: «La producción artística basada en procesos que cohabitan temporalmente los contextos. Artistic production based on processes that coexist within temporary contexts» En: Garcés, Marina (coord.). «Ecología de la imaginación»
Author: Parramon, Ramon
Agustí, Eugènia
Milne, Jo, 1966-
Puig, Eloi
Keywords: Interacció social
Creació artística
Social interaction
Artistic creation
Issue Date: 16-Feb-2022
Publisher: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Abstract: In the origins of the concept 'residency' or 'residency programmes' lie the aims of facilitating the mobility of creators, offering time and space for research, producing, creating, and intensifying connections between organizations in different territories. Placing the results in relation with the location, context or organization hosting the experience where the programme is developed. The growth of residency programmes runs parallel to a transition in their very raison d'être. From understanding their role as facilitating time and space for creative isolation, towards the configuration of a space that activates social interaction within the context. In this text, we address the role of artistic residencies as catalysts that promote changes in artistic careers and practices, as structures that contribute new forms of research, production, and distribution to the artistic ecosystem, and which, more remarkably, have an impact on the context from a political, social and cultural perspective. The article, written in a time of social isolation, reflects upon the need to redefine the role residencies can assume, especially when their objectives deploy programmes that interact with different aspects of the social, or when mobility restrictions hinder their development and virtuality appears as a solution to the fears of face-to-face. The methodology used incorporates reflections derived from the ADD+ART congress, that called for projects addressing artistic production in the face of the new paradigm related to (im)mobility, (non-)presenciality and social interaction, and the analysis of the roles different residencies take on based on the agents involved in them, with a consideration of the cases of Idensitat, Milne, and Carreño-Muñoz.
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It is part of: Artnodes, 2022, num. 29
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ISSN: 1695-5951
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Arts Visuals i Disseny)

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