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Title: Stochastic resonance in a dipole
Author: Vilar, J. M. G. (José M. G.), 1972-
Pérez Madrid, Agustín
Rubí Capaceti, José Miguel
Keywords: Física estadística
Sistemes no lineals
Química física
Statistical physics
Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Nonlinear systems
Issue Date: 1996
Publisher: The American Physical Society
Abstract: We show that the dipole, a system usually proposed to model relaxation phenomena, exhibits a maximum in the signal-to-noise ratio at a nonzero noise level, thus indicating the appearance of stochastic resonance. The phenomenon occurs in two different situations, i.e., when the minimum of the potential of the dipole remains fixed in time and when it switches periodically between two equilibrium points. We have also found that the signal-to-noise ratio has a maximum for a certain value of the amplitude of the oscillating field.
Note: Reproducció del document publicat a:
It is part of: Physical Review E, 1996, vol. 54, núm. 6, p. 6929-6932
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ISSN: 1063-651X
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Física de la Matèria Condensada)

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