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Title: 'Without support, victims do not report': The Co-creation of a workplace sexual harassment risk assessment survey tool
Author: Gómez González, Aitor
Girbés Peco, Sandra
Jiménez González, José Miguel
Vieites Casado, María
Keywords: Assetjament sexual
Assetjament psicològic
Violència en l'àmbit laboral
Violència contra les dones
Programes de prevenció
Sexual harassment
Psychological abuse
Violence in the workplace
Violence against women
Prevention programs
Issue Date: 23-Apr-2022
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Abstract: Workplace sexual harassment (WSH) remains a common experience for many women worldwide. European policies and guidelines point to the need to establish comprehensive WSH prevention programs and strategies. One of the strategies contemplated is establishing risk assessment and monitoring systems to prevent and identify WSH situations. However, few WSH risk assessment tools are currently available to European organizations and companies. This article analyses the co-creation process that has led to developing an evidence-based risk assessment survey tool (ST) to prevent in a wide diversity of work contexts. This process has involved experts, survivors, activists, and other relevant stakeholders. The research has been carried out based on the communicative methodology through the implementation of qualitative fieldwork. Furthermore, an extensive review of scientific literature and international guidelines has been carried out. The established co-creation process has led to the inclusion of the Isolating Gender Violence approach in a risk assessment ST to prevent WSH for the first time.
Note: Reproducció del document publicat a:
It is part of: Gender, Work & Organization, 2022, vol. 30, num. 4, p. 1354-1386
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ISSN: 0968-6673
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Didàctica i Organització Educativa)

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