Articles publicats en revistes (Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya (IBEC)) Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 560
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
8-Dec-2023Glycan-Driven Formation of Raft-Like Domains with Hierarchical Periodic Nanoarrays on Dendrimersome Synthetic CellsWagner, Anna M; Kostina, Nina; Xiao, Qi; Klein, Michael L; Percec, Virgil; Rodriguez-Emmenegger, César
6-Jul-2024In vivo photocontrol of orexin receptors with a nanomolar light-regulated analogue of orexin-BPrischich, Davia; Sortino, Rosalba; Gomila Juaneda, Alexandre; Matera, Carlo; Guardiola Bagán, Salvador; Nepomuceno, Diane; Varese, Monica; Bonaventure, Pascal; de Lecea, Luis; Giralt Lledó, Ernest; Gorostiza Langa, Pau
24-Jun-2024Neurovascular unit on a chip: the relevance and maturity as an advanced in vitro modelPalma Florez, Sujey; Lagunas Targarona, Anna; Mir Llorente, Mònica
15-Mar-2024Swarms of Enzyme-Powered Nanomotors Enhance the Diffusion of Macromolecules in Viscous MediaRuiz González, Noelia; Esporrín Ubieto, David; Lopes Hortelão, Ana Candida; Fraire, Juan; Bakenecker, Anna; Guri Canals, Marta; Cugat, Ramon; Carrillo, Jose Maria; Garcia-Batlletbo, Montserrat; Laiz, Patricia; Patiño Padial, Tania; Sánchez Ordóñez, Samuel
4-Jun-2024Diagnosis of patients with chronic heart failure implementing wavelet transform and machine learning techniquesArizmendi, Carlos; Reinemer, Jhon; Gonzalez, Hernando; Giraldo Giraldo, Beatriz
20-Jun-2024Beclomethasone loaded liposomes enriched with mucin: A suitable approach for the control of skin disordersCastangia, Ines; Aroffu, Matteo; Allaw, Mohamad; Perra, Matteo; Baroli, Biancamaria; Usach, Iris; Peris, Jose Esteban; Valenti, Donatella; Diez-Sales, Octavio; Sauri, Amparo Ruiz; Nacher, Amparo; Fernàndez-Busquets, Xavier; Manconi, Maria; Manca, Maria Letizia
17-Jun-2024Catalase-Powered Nanobots for Overcoming the Mucus BarrierSerra Casablancas, Meritxell; Di Carlo, Valerio; Esporrín Ubieto, David; Prado Morales, Carles; Bakenecker, Anna; Sánchez Ordóñez, Samuel
19-May-2024Natural Hydrogels Support Kidney Organoid Generation and Promote in vitro AngiogenesisGarreta, Elena; Moya-Rull, Daniel; Marco, Andrés; Amato, Gaia; Ullate-Agote, Asier; Tarantino, Carolina; Gallo, Maria; Esporrín-Ubieto, David; Centeno, Alberto; Vilas-Zornoza, Amaia; Mestre, Rafael; Kalil, Maria; Gorroñogoitia, Izar; Zaldua, Ane Miren; Sanchez, Samuel; Izquierdo Reyes, Laura; Fernández-Santos, M. Eugenia; Prosper, Felipe; Montserrat, Núria
28-May-2024A service-learning experience in secondary education to promote STEM learning through collaboration between research and education centersFernández Romero, Luis; Fernández Serra, Rosa Maria; Jiménez, Pilar; Marco Colás, Santiago; Caballero, E.; Arimany Nardi, Cristina; Sanchis Estruch, María Teresa; Pardo Martínez, Antonio
Jun-2024miR-519a-3p, found to regulate cellular prion protein during Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis, as a biomarker of asymptomatic stagesJácome, Dayaneth; Cotrufo, Tiziana; Andrés Benito, Pol; Lidón Gil, Laia; Martí Puig, Eulàlia; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Río Fernández, José Antonio del; Gavín Marín, Rosalina
28-Mar-2024Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus uses LDLR to bind and enter host cellsMonteil, Vanessa M.; Wright, Shane C.; Dyczynski, Matheus; Kellner, Max J.; Appelberg, Sofia; Platzer, Sebastian W.; Ibrahim, Ahmed; Kwon, Hyesoo; Pittarokoilis, Ioannis; Mirandola, Mattia; Michlits, Georg; Devignot, Stephanie; Elder, Elizabeth; Abdurahman, Samir; Bereczky, Sandor; Bagci, Binnur; Youhanna, Sonia; Aastrup, Teodor; Lauschke, Volker M; Salata, Cristiano; Elaldi, Nazif; Weber, Friedemann; Montserrat Pulido, Núria; Hawman, David W.; Feldmann, Heinz; Horn, Moritz; Penninger, Josef M.; Mirazimi, Ali
1-Sep-2023Investigating bacterial infections in Galleria mellonella larvae: Insights into pathogen dissemination and behaviorAdmella, Joana; Torrents Serra, Eduard
25-Feb-2024Nanomedicine against biofilm infections: A roadmap of challenges and limitationsBlanco Cabra, Núria; Alcàcer Almansa, Júlia; Admella, Joana; Arévalo Jaimes, Betsy Verónica; Torrents Serra, Eduard
5-Oct-2023New 4-(N-cinnamoylbutyl)aminoacridines as potential multi-stage antiplasmodial leadsFonte, Mélanie; Fontinha, Diana; Moita, Diana; Caño Prades, Omar; Avalos Padilla, Yunuen; Fernàndez Busquets, Xavier; Prudêncio, Miguel; Gomes, Paula; Teixeira, Cátia
1-Mar-2024Nanotherapeutics against malaria: A decade of advancements in experimental modelsAvalos Padilla, Yunuen; Fernàndez Busquets, Xavier
1-Jul-2024A 3D bioprinted hydrogel gut-on-chip with integrated electrodes for transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) measurementsVera, Daniel; García Díaz, María; Torras, Nuria; Castillo, Óscar; Illa, Xavi; Villa, Rosa; Álvarez, Mar; Martínez, Elena
Mar-2023Thioxanthenone-based derivatives as multitarget therapeutic leads for Alzheimer's diseaseTonelli, Michele; Catto, Marco; Sabaté Lagunas, Raimon; Francesconi, Valeria; Laurini, Erik; Pricl, Sabrina; Pisani, Leonardo; Miniero, Daniela Valeria; Liuzzi, Grazia Maria; Gatta, Elena; Relini, Annalisa; Gavín Marín, Rosalina; Río Fernández, José Antonio del; Sparatore, Fabio; Carotti, Angelo
15-Oct-2023GCIMS: An R package for untargeted gas chromatography - Ion mobility spectrometry data processingOller Moreno, Sergio; Mallafre Muro, Celia; Fernández Romero, Luis; Caballero, Eduardo; Blanco, A.; Gumà, J.; Marco Colás, Santiago; Pardo Martínez, Antonio
18-Dec-2023Nanoscale Operando Characterization of Electrolyte-Gated Organic Field-Effect Transistors Reveals Charge Transport BottlenecksTanwar, Shubham; Millán Solsona, Rubén; Ruiz-Molina, Sara; Mas Torrent, Marta; Kyndiah, Adrica; Gomila Lluch, Gabriel
4-Dec-2023Enzymatic Reactions Observed with Zero- and Low-Field Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceEills, James; Picazo Frutos, Roman; Bondar, Oksana; Cavallari, Eleonora; Carrera, Carla; Barker, Sylwia J; Utz, Marcel; Herrero Gómez, Alba; Marco Rius, Irene; Tayler, Michael C. D.; Aime, Silvio; Reineri, Francesca; Budker, Dmitry; Blanchard, John W
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 560