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Results 1-10 of 14 (Search time: 0.062 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
13-Jun-2022Sistemes deductius algebritzablesAcevedo, Lucas Uzías
16-Mar-2016Operators and strong versions of sentential logics in Abstract Algebraic LogicAlbuquerque, Hugo Cardoso
Jun-2016Orthomodular logic. A proposal of a logic for quantum physicsAlsalti Baldellou, Àdel
8-Jun-2016Investigations into the role of translations in abstract algebraic logicMoraschini, Tommaso
4-Nov-2013Duality theory and Abstract Algebraic LogicEsteban, María
Jun-2018Gentzen Relations and Contextual Deduction-Detachment TheoremsMenéndez Turata, Guillermo
20-Jun-2021Lògica intuïcionista. Teorema de GlivenkoCanal Ferrer, Genı́s
2007Compatibilitat en àlgebra, en lògica i en informàticaFont Llovet, Josep Maria
Oct-2020Inconsistency lemmas: an algebraic approachHerrera Hernández, Jorge
Feb-2020An Algebraic Study of Admissible RulesMastrokostas, Zafeiris