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Results 1-10 of 39 (Search time: 0.041 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
25-Aug-2020Chitosan-derived nitrogen-doped carbon electrocatalyst for a sustainable upgrade of oxygen reduction to hydrogen peroxide in UV-assisted electro-Fenton water treatmentDaniel, Giorgia; Zhang, Yanyu; Lanzalaco, Sonia; Brombin, Federico; Kosmala, Tomasz; Granozzi, Gaetano; Wang, Aimin; Brillas, Enric; Sirés Sadornil, Ignacio; Durante, Christian
Jun-2022Study of the single-electron oxidation/reduction of aminocatalytic intermediates by means of indirect electrolysisRodríguez Marijuán, Paula
Jun-2019Preparation of a mixed-valence Co(III)-Fe(II) cubic complex and kinetic study of its redox reactivity with peroxodisulfateQueral Beltran, Aina
19-Jun-2020MicroRNAs in the regulation of cellular redox status and its implications in myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injuryCarbonell i Camós, Teresa; Gomes, Aldrin V.
6-Oct-2014The Effect of tensile stress on the conformational free energy landscape of disulfide bondsAnjukandi, Padmesh; Dopieralski, Przemyslaw; Ribas Ariño, Jordi; Marx, Dominik
Jun-2011Folding and unfolding of a triple-branch DNA molecule with four conformational statesEngel, Sandra; Alemany i Arias, Anna; Forns Fradera, Núria; Maass, Philipp; Ritort Farran, Fèlix
Jun-2015Mechanical folding and unfolding of the redox protein FlavodoxinSanmartí, Enric
20-Feb-2009A General Synthetic Route to Enantiopure 5-Substituted cis-DecahydroquinolinesAmat Tusón, Mercedes; Fabregat, Robert; Griera Farres, Rosa; Bosch Cartes, Joan
18-Jul-2017Bioengineering single-protein wiresPozuelo Ruiz, Marta
26-Sep-2017Electrochemical tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy of electron transfer proteinsLópez Martínez, Montserrat