Browsing by Author Tello, Enric

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 90  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Aug-2018A landscape ecology assessment of land-use change on the Great Plains-Denver (CO, USA) metropolitan edgeMarull, Joan; Cunfer, Geoff; Sylvester, Kenneth; Tello, Enric
1-Oct-2021A socioecological integrated analysis of the Barcelona metropolitan agricultural landscapesMarull, Joan; Padró i Caminal, Roc; Cirera, Jacob; Giocoli, Annalisa; Pons Sanvidal, Manel; Tello, Enric
2013An agency-oriented model to explain vine-growing specialization in the province of Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain) in the mid-nineteenth centuryBadia-Miró, Marc; Tello, Enric
22-Dec-2020Agrarian transformations, climate change and energy. A study of the impact of 17th and 18th century climate change on the Agricultural Revolution and the onset of economic growth in EnglandMartínez González, José Luis
15-Feb-2018Agroecological Landscape Modelling as a Deliberative Tool, Learning from Social Metabolism Assessment of Historical Transitions to Industrial Agriculture for Future Sustainable Food SystemPadró i Caminal, Roc
24-Dec-2023Analizando sistemas alimentarios: un marco de investigación a escala nacionalParajuá Carpintero, Noelia; Tello, Enric
Feb-2021Aproximació a l’estudi de les vulnerabilitats de l’economia espanyola als efectes esperats del canvi climàticUllod Reboredo, Kelsang
Sep-2021Aproximació de l'economia del "Dònut" a MenorcaPérez Capdevila, Joan
7-Jan-2020Assessing climate impacts on English economic growth (1645-1740): an econometric approachMartínez González, José Luis; Suriñach Caralt, Jordi; Jover i Avellà, Gabriel; Martín Vide, Javier; Barriendos i Vallvé, Mariano; Tello, Enric
8-Nov-2023Assessing the energy trap of industrial agriculture in North America and Europe: 82 balances from 1830 to 2012Tello, Enric; Sacristán, Vera; Olarieta, José R.; Cattaneo, Claudio; Marull, Joan; Pons, Manel; Gingrich, Simone; Krausmann, Fridolin; Galán, Elena; Marco, Inés; Padró, Roc; Guzmán, Gloria I.; González de Molina, Manuel; Cunfer, Geoff; Watson, Andrew; MacFadyen, Joshua; Fraňková, Eva; Aguilera, Eduardo; Infante-Amate, Juan; Urrego-Mesa, Alexander; Soto, David; Parcerisas, Lluis; Dupras, Jérôme; Díez-Sanjuán, Lucía; Caravaca, Jonathan; Gómez, Laura; Fullana, Onofre; Murray, Ivan; Jover, Gabriel; Cussó, Xavier; Garrabou, Ramon, 1937-
2006Balances energéticos y usos del suelo en la agricultura catalana: una comparación entre mediados del siglo XIX y finales del siglo XXCussó i Segura, Xavier; Garrabou, Ramon, 1937-; Olarieta, José Ramón; Tello, Enric
2019Belowground and Aboveground Sustainability: Historical Management Change in a Mediterranean Agroecosystem (Les Oluges, Spain, 1860-1959-1999)Díez Sanjuán, Lucía; Olarieta, José Ramón; Tello, Enric
Jun-2019Beyond Chayanov: A sustainable agroecological farm reproductive analysis of peasant domestic units and rural communities (Sentmenat; Catalonia, 1860)Padró i Caminal, Roc; Marco Lafuente, Inés; Font Moragón, Carme; Tello, Enric
2019Biocultural Heritages in Mallorca: Explaining the Resilience of Peasant Landscapes within a Mediterranean Tourist Hotspot, 1870-2016Murray, Ivan; Jover i Avellà, Gabriel; Fullana, Onofre; Tello, Enric
24-Feb-2021Biomass Energies in Industrializing Catalonia: The Changing Role of Firewood and Charcoal in the City and Province of Barcelona (1780-1960)Maynou Felker, Marc
Dec-2019Building an annual series of English wheat production in an intriguing era (1645-1761): methodology, challenges and resultsMartínez González, José Luis; Jover i Avellà, Gabriel; Tello, Enric
Jul-2019Building on Margalef: Testing the links between landscape structure, energy and information flows driven by farming and biodiversityMarull, Joan; Herrando Vila, Sergi; Brotons Alabau, Lluís; Melero Cavero, Yolanda; Pino i Vilalta, Joan; Cattaneo, Claudio; Pons Sanvidal, Manel; Llobet, Jordi; Tello, Enric
13-Sep-2018Café, Revolución Verde, regulación y liberalización del mercado: Costa Rica (1950-2017)Montero Mora, Andrea
Oct-2019Comparative Energy-Landscape Integrated Analysis (ELIA) of past and present agroecosystems in North America and Europe from the 1830s to the 2010sMarull, Joan; Cattaneo, Claudio; Gingrich, Simone; González de Molina, Manuel; Guzmán Casado, Gloria I.; Watson, Andrew; MacFayden, Joshua; Pons Sanvidal, Manel; Tello, Enric
4-Feb-2021Comparison of two biophysical indicators under different landscape complexityYousefi, Maryam; Darvishi, Asef; Tello, Enric; Barghjelveh, Shahindokht; Dinan, Naghmeh Mobarghaee; Marull, Joan