Browsing by Author González-Domínguez, Raúl

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jan-2023A mixture of four dietary fibres ameliorates adiposity and improves metabolic profile and intestinal health in cafeteria-fed obese rats: an integrative multi-omics approachEstanyol-Torres, Núria; Domenech Coca, Cristina; González-Domínguez, Raúl; Miñarro Alonso, Antonio; Reverter Comes, Ferran; Moreno Muñoz, Jose Antonio; Jiménez, José; Martín Palomas, Manel; Castellano Escuder, Pol; Mostafa, Hamza; García Vallvé, Santi; Abasolo, Nerea; Rodríguez, Miguel A.; Torrell, Helena; Del Bas, Josep Maria; Sánchez Pla, Alex; Caimari, Antoni; Mas Capdevila, Anna; Andrés Lacueva, Ma. Cristina; Crescenti Savall, Anna Mireia
22-Mar-2022A Polyphenol-Rich Diet Increases the Gut Microbiota Metabolite Indole 3-Propionic Acid in Older Adults with Preserved Kidney FunctionPeron, Gregorio; Meroño, Tomás; Gargari, Giorgio; Hidalgo Liberona, Nicole; Miñarro Alonso, Antonio; Vegas Lozano, Esteban; Castellano Escuder, Pol; González-Domínguez, Raúl; Del Bo, Cristian; Bernardi, Stefano; Kroon, Paul A.; Cherubini, Antonio; Riso, Patrizia; Guglielmetti, Simone; Andrés Lacueva, Ma. Cristina
17-Dec-2020A polyphenol-rich dietary pattern improves intestinal permeability, evaluated as serum zonulin levels, in older subjects: The MaPLE randomised controlled trialDel Bo, Cristian; Bernardi, Stefano; Cherubini, Antonio; Porrini, Marisa; Gargari, Giorgio; Hidalgo Liberona, Nicole; González-Domínguez, Raúl; Zamora-Ros, Raul; Peron, Gregorio; Marino, Mirko; Gigliotti, Letizia; Winterbone, Mark S.; Kirkup, Benjamin; Kroon, Paul A.; Andrés Lacueva, Ma. Cristina; Guglielmetti, Simone; Riso, Patrizia
3-Jan-2022Apolipoprotein E and sex modulate fatty acid metabolism in a prospective observational study of cognitive declineGonzález-Domínguez, Raúl; Castellano Escuder, Pol; Lefèvre Arbogast, Sophie; Low, Dorrain Yanwen; Du Preez, Andrea; Ruigrok, Silvie R.; Lee, Hyunah; Helmer, Catherine; Pallàs i Llibería, Mercè, 1964-; Urpí Sardà, Mireia; Sànchez, Àlex (Sànchez Pla); Korosi, Aniko; Lucassen, Paul J.; Aigner, Ludwig; Manach, Claudine; Thuret, Sandrine; Samieri, Cécilia; Andrés Lacueva, Ma. Cristina
9-Jun-2022Assessing Adherence to healthy dietary habits through the Urinary Food Metabolome: results from a european Two-Center Study.Castellano-Escuder, Pol; González-Domínguez, Raúl; Vaillant, Marie-France; Casas-Agustench, Patricia; Hidalgo Liberona, Nicole; Estanyol-Torres, Núria; Wilson, Thomas; Beckmann. Manfred; Lloyd, Amanda J.; Oberli, Marion; Moinard, Christophe; Pison, Christophe; Borel, Jean-Christian; Joyeux-Faure, Marie; Sicard, Mariette; Artemova, Svetlana; Terrisse, Hugo; Dancer, Paul; Draper, John; Sànchez, Àlex (Sànchez Pla); Andrés Lacueva, Ma. Cristina
26-May-2021Bacterial DNAemia is associated with serum zonulin levels in older subjectsGargari, Giorgio; Mantegazza, Giacomo; Taverniti, Valentina; Del Bo, Cristian; Andrés Lacueva, Ma. Cristina; González-Domínguez, Raúl; Kroon, Paul A.; Winterbone, Mark S.; Cherubini, Antonio; Bernardi, Stefano; Riso, Patrizia; Guglielmetti, Simone
8-Sep-2020Caffeine Compromises Proliferation of Human Hippocampal Progenitor CellsHoughton, Vikki; Du Preez, Andrea; Lefèvre Arbogast, Sophie; de Lucia, Chiara; Low, Dorrain Yanwen; Urpí Sardà, Mireia; Ruigrok, Silvie R.; Altendorfer, Barbara; González-Domínguez, Raúl; Andrés Lacueva, Ma. Cristina; Aigner, Ludwig; Lucassen, Paul J.; Korosi, Aniko; Samieri, Cécilia; Manach, Claudine; Thuret, Sandrine
12-Jun-2018Characterization of metabolomic profile associated with metabolic improvement after bariatric surgery in subjects with morbid obesityPalau Rodríguez, Magalí; Tulipani, Sara; Marco Ramell, Anna; Miñarro Alonso, Antonio; González-Domínguez, Raúl; Sànchez, Àlex (Sànchez Pla); Ramos Molina, Bruno; Tinahones, Francisco J.; Andrés Lacueva, Ma. Cristina
23-Sep-2020Characterization of the human exposome by a comprehensive and quantitative large scale multi-analyte metabolomics platformGonzález-Domínguez, Raúl; Jáuregui Pallarés, Olga; Queipo Ortuño, María Isabel; Andrés Lacueva, Ma. Cristina
1-Oct-2021Crosstalk among intestinal barrier, gut microbiota and serum metabolome after a polyphenol-rich diet in older subjects with leaky gut: The MaPLE trialPeron, Gregorio; Gargari, Giorgio; Meroño, Tomás; Miñarro Alonso, Antonio; Vegas Lozano, Esteban; Castellano Escuder, Pol; González-Domínguez, Raúl; Hidalgo Liberona, Nicole; Del Bo, Cristian; Bernardi, Stefano; Kroon, Paul A.; Carrieri, Barbara; Cherubini, Antonio; Riso, Patrizia; Guglielmetti, Simone; Andrés Lacueva, Ma. Cristina
20-Jun-2019Diet-Related Metabolites Associated with Cognitive Decline Revealed by Untargeted Metabolomics in a Prospective CohortLow, Dorrain Yanwen; Lefèvre Arbogast, Sophie; González-Domínguez, Raúl; Urpí Sardà, Mireia; Micheau, Pierre; Petera, Melanie; Centeno, Delphine; Durand, Stephanie; Pujos Guillot, Estelle; Korosi, Aniko; Lucassen, Paul J.; Aigner, Ludwig; Proust Lima, Cécile; Hejblum, Boris P.; Helmer, Catherine; Andrés Lacueva, Ma. Cristina; Thuret, Sandrine; Samieri, Cécilia; Manach, Claudine
25-Jan-2021Early signature in the blood lipidome associated with subsequent cognitive decline in the elderly: A case-control analysis nested within the Three-City cohort studyLefèvre Arbogast, Sophie; Hejblum, Boris P.; Helmer, Catherine; Klose, Christian; Manach, Claudine; Low, Dorrain Yanwen; Urpí Sardà, Mireia; Andrés Lacueva, Ma. Cristina; González-Domínguez, Raúl; Aigner, Ludwig; Altendorfer, Barbara; Lucassen, Paul J.; Ruigrok, Silvie R.; de Lucia, Chiara; Du Preez, Andrea; Proust Lima, Cécile; Thuret, Sandrine; Korosi, Aniko; Samieri, Cécilia
26-Feb-2020Effect of a polyphenol-rich dietary pattern on intestinal permeability and gut and blood microbiomics in older subjects: study protocol of the MaPLE randomised controlled trialGuglielmetti, Simone; Bernardi, Stefano; Del Bo, Cristian; Cherubini, Antonio; Porrini, Marisa; Gargari, Giorgio; Hidalgo Liberona, Nicole; González-Domínguez, Raúl; Peron, Gregorio; Zamora-Ros, Raul; Winterbone, Mark S.; Kirkup, Benjamin; Kroon, Paul A.; Andrés Lacueva, Ma. Cristina; Riso, Patrizia
15-Aug-2020Estimated Intakes of Nutrients and Polyphenols in Participants Completing the MaPLE Randomised Controlled Trial and Its Relevance for the Future Development of Dietary Guidelines for the Older SubjectsMartini, Daniela; Bernardi, Stefano; Del Bo, Cristian; Hidalgo Liberona, Nicole; Zamora-Ros, Raul; Tucci, Massimiliano; Cherubini, Antonio; Porrini, Marisa; Gargari, Giorgio; González-Domínguez, Raúl; Peron, Gregorio; Kirkup, Benjamin; Kroon, Paul A.; Andrés Lacueva, Ma. Cristina; Guglielmetti, Simone; Riso, Patrizia
5-Nov-2022Exploration of the Gut-Brain Axis through Metabolomics Identifies Serum Propionic Acid Associated with Higher Cognitive Decline in Older PersonsNeuffer, Jeanne; González-Domínguez, Raúl; Lefèvre Arbogast, Sophie; Low, Dorrain; Driollet, Bénédicte; Helmer, Catherine; Du Preez, Andrea; de Lucia, Chiara; Ruigrok, Silvie R.; Altendorfer, Barbara; Aigner, Ludwig; Lucassen, Paul J.; Korosi, Aniko; Thuret, Sandrine; Manach, Claudine; Pallàs i Llibería, Mercè, 1964-; Urpí Sardà, Mireia; Sànchez, Àlex (Sànchez Pla); Andrés Lacueva, Ma. Cristina; Samieri, Cécilia
14-May-2019Exploring the Molecular Pathways Behind the Effects of Nutrients and Dietary Polyphenols on Gut Microbiota and Intestinal Permeability: A Perspective on the Potential of Metabolomics and Future Clinical Applications.Peron, Gregorio; Hidalgo Liberona, Nicole; González-Domínguez, Raúl; Garcia Aloy, Mar; Guglielmetti, Simone; Bernardi, Stefano; Kirkup, Benjamin; Kroon, Paul A.; Cherubini, Antonio; Riso, Patrizia; Andrés Lacueva, Ma. Cristina
23-Apr-2020FOBI: An ontology to represent food intake data and associate it with metabolomic dataCastellano Escuder, Pol; González-Domínguez, Raúl; Wishart, David S.; Andrés Lacueva, Ma. Cristina; Sànchez, Àlex (Sànchez Pla)
18-Oct-2021Food and microbiota metabolites associate with cognitive decline in older subjects: A 12-year prospective studyGonzález-Domínguez, Raúl; Castellano Escuder, Pol; Carmona Pontaque, Francesc; Lefèvre Arbogast, Sophie; Low, Dorrain Yanwen; Du Preez, Andrea; Ruigrok, Silvie R.; Manach, Claudine; Urpí Sardà, Mireia; Korosi, Aniko; Lucassen, Paul J.; Aigner, Ludwig; Pallàs i Llibería, Mercè, 1964-; Thuret, Sandrine; Samieri, Cécilia; Sànchez, Àlex (Sànchez Pla); Andrés Lacueva, Ma. Cristina
21-Oct-2020Increased Intestinal Permeability in Older Subjects Impacts the Beneficial Effects of Dietary Polyphenols by Modulating Their BioavailabilityHidalgo Liberona, Nicole; González-Domínguez, Raúl; Vegas Lozano, Esteban; Riso, Patrizia; Del Bo, Cristian; Bernardi, Stefano; Peron, Gregorio; Guglielmetti, Simone; Gargari, Giorgio; Kroon, Paul A.; Cherubini, Antonio; Andrés Lacueva, Ma. Cristina
8-Jul-2022Influence of Plasma-Isolated Anthocyanins and Their Metabolites on Cancer Cell Migration (HT-29 and Caco-2) In Vitro: Results of the ATTACH StudyBehrendt, Inken; Röder, Isabella; Will, Frank; Mostafa, Hamza; González-Domínguez, Raúl; Meroño, Tomás; Andrés Lacueva, Ma. Cristina; Fasshauer, Mathias; Rudloff, Silvia; Kuntz, Sabine