Browsing by Author Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda)

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018PPARγ agonist-loaded PLGA-PEG nanocarriers as a potencial treatment for Alzheimer's disease: in vitro and in vivo studies.Silva Abreu, Marcelle; Calpena Campmany, Ana Cristina; Andrés Benito, Pol; Aso Pérez, Ester; Romero, Ignacio A.; Roig-Carles, David; Gromicova, Radka; Espina García, Marta; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); García, Maria Luisa; Male, David K., 1954-
2017Prion protein interactome: identifying novel targets in slowly and rapidly progressive forms of alzheimer's diseaseZafar, Saima; Shafiq, Mohsin; Younas, Neelam; Schmitz, Matthias; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Zerr, Inga
22-Feb-2021Prion protein oligomers cause neuronal cytoskeletal damage in rapidly progressive Alzheimer’s diseaseShafiq, Mohsin; Zafar, Saima; Younas, Neelam; Noor, Aneeqa; Puig, Berta; Altmeppen, Hermann Clemens; Schmitz, Matthias; Matschke, Jakob; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Glatzel, Markus; Zerr, Inga
14-Nov-2018ProBDNF is modified by advanced glycation end products in Alzheimer's disease and causes neuronal apoptosis by inducing p75 neurotrophin receptor processingFleitas, Catherine; Piñol Ripoll, Gerard; Marfull, Pau; Rocandio, Daniel; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Rampon, Claire; Egea, Joaquim; Espinet, Carme
Apr-2014Promoter hypermethylation of the phosphatase DUSP22 mediates PKA-dependent TAU phosphorylation and CREB activation in Alzheimer's diseaseSanchez-Mut, Jose Vicente; Aso Pérez, Ester; Heyn, Holger; Matsuda, Tadashi; Bock, Christoph; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Esteller, Manel
3-Jun-2005Proteins in human brain cortex are modified by oxidation, glycoxidation, and lipoxidation. Effects of alzheimer disease and identification of lipoxidation targetsPamplona, Reinald; Dalfó Capella, Esther; Ayala, Victòria; Bellmunt, Maria Josep; Prat Corominas, Joan; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Portero Otin, Manuel
10-Jun-2015Proteome-wide characterization of signalling interactions in the hippocampal CA4/DG subfield of patients with Alzheimer’s diseaseHo Kim, Jae; Franck, Julien; Kang, Taewook; Heinsen, Helmut; Ravid, Rivka; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Hee Cheon, Mi; Lee, Joo-Yong; Shin Yoo, Jong; Steinbusch, Harry W.; Salzet, Michel; Fournier, Isabelle; Mok Park, Young
13-May-2023Proteostatic modulation in brain aging without associated Alzheimer's disease-and age-related neuropathological changesAndrés Benito, Pol; Íñigo Marco, Ignacio; Brullas, Marta; Carmona Murillo, Margarita; Rio, José Antonio del; Fernández Irigoyen, Joaquín; Santamaría, Enrique; Povedano, Mònica; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda)
1-Nov-2018Purine-related metabolites and their converting enzymes are altered in frontal; parietal; and temporal cortex at early stages of Alzheimer's disease pathologyAlonso-Andrés, Patricia; Albasanz, José Luis; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Martín, Mairena
1-Jun-2016Redox proteomic profiling of neuroketal-adducted proteins in human brain: regional vulnerability at middle age increases in the elderlyDomínguez González, Mayelín; Oliveira, Eliandre; Odena Caballol, Antonia; Portero Otin, Manuel; Pamplona, Reinald; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda)
1-Oct-2017Reelin expression in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and experimental models of transmissible spongiform encephalopathiesMata Rodríguez, Agata; Urrea Zazurca, Laura; Vilches Saez, Silvia; Llorens Torres, Franc; Thüne, Katrin; Espinosa, Juan Carlos; Andréoletti, Olivier; Sevillano, Alejandro M.; Torres, Juan María; Rodríguez Requena, Jesús; Zerr, Inga; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Gavín Marín, Rosalina; Río Fernández, José Antonio del
22-Jan-2018Regional and subtype-dependent miRNA signatures in sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease are accompanied by alterations in miRNA silencing machinery and biogenesisLlorens Torres, Franc; Thüne, Katrin; Martí Puig, Eulàlia; Kanata, Eirini; Dafou, Dimitra; Vivancos, Ana; Shomroni, Orr; Zafar, Saima; Schmitz, Matthias; Michel, Uwe; Fernández Borges, Natalia; Andréoletti, Olivier; Río Fernández, José Antonio del; Díez, Juana; Fischer, Andre; Bonn, Stefan; Sklaviadis, Theodoros; Torres, Juan Maria; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Zerr, Inga; Diaz-Lucena, Daniela; Martí Puig, Eulàlia
26-Feb-2010Regulació transcripcional dels receptors d'adenosina en les malalties neurodegenerativesPérez Buira, Sandra
1-Nov-2016Regulation of human cerebrospinal fluid malate dehydrogenase 1 in sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease patientsSchmitz, Matthias; Llorens Torres, Franc; Pracht, Alexander; Thom, Tobias; Correia, Ângela; Zafar, Saima; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Zerr, Inga
23-Jul-2019Revealing Adenosine A2A-Dopamine D2 Receptor Heteromers in Parkinson's Disease Post-Mortem Brain through a New AlphaScreen-Based AssayFernández Dueñas, Víctor; Gómez Soler, Maricel; Valle León, Marta; Watanabe, Masahiko; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Ciruela Alférez, Francisco
1-Jun-2018Role of cellular prion protein in interneuronal amyloid transmissionRío Fernández, José Antonio del; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Gavín Marín, Rosalina
15-Jun-2014Role of PrPC in tau protein levels and phosphorylation in Alzheimer's disease evolutionVergara, C.; Ordóñez-Gutiérrez, L.; Wandosell, Francisco; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Río Fernández, José Antonio del; Gavín Marín, Rosalina
22-Jan-2019Role of tau N-terminal motif in the secretion of human tau by end binding proteinsSayas, C. Laura; Medina, Miguel; Cuadros, Raquel; Ollá, Ivanna; García, Esther; Pérez, Mar; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Hernández, Félix; Avila, Jesús
16-Mar-2002Señalización celular en el hipocampo epilépticoFerrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda)
2010Severe alterations in lipid composition of frontal cortex lipid rafts from parkinson's disease and incidental parkinson'sFabelo, Noemí; Martín, Virginia; Santpere Baró, Gabriel; Marín, Raquel; Torrent, Laia; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Díaz, Mario