Browsing by Author Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda)

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Showing results 78 to 97 of 266 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12-Feb-2020Diagnostic accuracy of prion disease biomarkers in iatrogenic Creutzfeldt-Jakob diseaseLlorens Torres, Franc; Villar Piqué, Anna; Hermann, Peter; Schmitz, Matthias; Calero, Olga; Stehmann, Christiane; Sarros, Shannon; Moda, Fabio; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Poleggi, Anna; Pocchiari, Maurizio; Catania, Marcella; Klotz, Sigrid; O'Regan, Carl; Brett, Francesca; Heffernan, Josephine; Ladogana, Anna; Collins, Steven J.; Calero, Miguel; Kovacs, Gabor G.; Zerr, Inga
21-Apr-2021Diagnostic and prognostic value of plasma neurofilament light and total-tau in sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob diseaseZerr, Inga; Villar Piqué, Anna; Hermann, Peter; Schmitz, Matthias; Varges, Daniela; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Riggert, Joachim; Zetterberg, Henrik; Blennow, Kaj; Llorens Torres, Franc
27-Apr-2022Differences in Tau Seeding in Newborn and Adult Wild-Type MiceFerrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Andrés Benito, Pol; Garcia Esparcia, Paula; López González, Irene; Valiente, Diego; Jordán Pirla, Mónica; Carmona Murillo, Margarita; Sala Jarque, Julia; Gil Fernández, Vanessa; Río Fernández, José Antonio del
1-Jan-2021Differential astrocyte and oligodendrocyte vulnerability in murine Creutzfeldt-Jakob diseaseAndrés Benito, Pol; Carmona Murillo, Margarita; Douet, Jean Yves; Cassard, Hervé; Andreoletti, Olivier; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda)
20-May-2016Differential induction and spread of tau pathology in young PS19 tau transgenic mice following intracerebral injections of pathological tau from Alzheimer’s disease or corticobasal degeneration brainsBoluda Casas, Susana
15-Nov-2017Differential overexpression of SERPINA3 in human prion diseasesVanni, Silvia; Moda, Fabio; Zattoni, Marco; Bistaffa, E.; Cecco, E. De; Rossi, Marcello; Giaccone, Giorgio; Tagliavini, Fabrizio; Haik, Stéphane; Deslys, Jean-Philippe; Zanusso, Gianluigi; Ironside, James W.; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Kovacs, Gabor G.; Legname, Giuseppe
8-Jul-2022Differentially Aquaporin 5 Expression in Submandibular Glands and Cerebral Cortex in Alzheimer’s DiseaseAntequera, Desiree; Carrero, Laura; Cunha Alves, Victoria; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Hernández Gallego, Jesús; Municio, Cristina; Carro, Eva
20-Nov-2009Diminished perisomatic GABAergic terminals on cortical neurons adjacent to amyloid plaquesGarcia Marin, Virginia; Blazquez Llorca, Lidia; Rodriguez, José Rodrigo; Boluda Casas, Susana; Muntané Medina, Gerard; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); DeFelipe, Javier
18-Feb-2015Disclosing bias in bisulfite assay: MethPrimers underestimate high DNA methylationFuso, Andrea; Ferraguti, Giampiero; Scarpa, Sigfrido; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Lucarelli, Marco
19-May-2020Disease-specific changes in Reelin protein and mRNA in neurodegenerative diseasesLidón Gil, Laia; Urrea Zazurca, Laura; Llorens Torres, Franc; Gil Fernández, Vanessa; Álvarez, Ignacio; Diez Fairen, Monica; Aguilar, Miquel; Pastor, Pau; Zerr, Inga; Alcolea, Daniel; Lleó Bisa, Alberto; Vidal, Enric; Gavín Marín, Rosalina; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Río Fernández, José Antonio del
2014Disrupting MLC1 and GlialCAM and ClC-2interactions in leukodystrophy entails glial chloridechannel dysfunctionHoegg-Beiler, Maja B.; Sirisi Dolcet, Sònia; Orozco, Ian J.; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Hohensee, Svea; Auberson, Muriel; Gödde, Kathrin; Vilches, Clara; López de Heredia, Miguel; Nunes Martínez, Virginia; Estévez Povedano, Raúl; Jentsch, Thomas J.
Feb-2012A DNA methylation fingerprint of 1628 human samplesFernández, Agustín F.; Martín-Subero, José Ignacio; Hidalgo, Manuel; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Sánchez Céspedes, Montserrat; Villanueva Garatachea, Alberto; Carmona, F. Javier; Sanchez-Mut, Jose Vicente; Berdasco, María; Moreno Aguado, Víctor; Capellá, G. (Gabriel); Ballestar Tarín, Esteban; Pérez Jurado, Luis; Mora Graupera, Jaume; Puig i Sardà, Susana; Prat, Jaime; Badimón, Lina, 1953-; Esteller, Manel
25-Mar-2021Dual Role of Lysophosphatidic Acid Receptor 2 (LPA2) in Amyotrophic Lateral SclerosisPuigdomenech Poch, Maria; Martínez Muriana, Anna; Andrés Benito, Pol; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Chun, Jerold; López Vales, Rubèn
17-Oct-2014DYRK1A-mediated phosphorylation of GluN2A at Ser1048 regulates the surface expression and channel activity of GluN1/GluN2A receptorsGrau, Cristina; Arató, Krisztina; Fernández-Fernández, José Manuel; Valderrama, Aitana; Sindreu Balet, Carlos; Fillat i Fonts, Cristina; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Luna, Susana de la; Altafaj, Xavier
8-Jun-2022Dysregulated Brain Protein Phosphorylation Linked to Increased Human Tau Expression in the hTau Transgenic Mouse ModelFerrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Andrés Benito, Pol; Ausín, Karina; Cartas Cejudo, Paz; Lachén Montes, Mercedes; Rio, José Antonio del; Fernández Irigoyen, Joaquín; Santamaría, Enrique
1-Dec-2021Dysregulated protein phosphorylation as main contributor of granulovacuolar degeneration at the first stages of neurofibrillary tangles pathologyAndrés-Benito, Pol; Carmona Murillo, Margarita; Jordán Pirla, Mónica; Torrejón-Escribano, Benjamín; Río Fernández, José Antonio del; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda)
15-Jul-2022Dysregulated Protein Phosphorylation in a Mouse Model of FTLD-TauFerrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Andrés Benito, Pol; Ausín, Karina; Cartas Cejudo, Paz; Lachén Montes, Mercedes; Río Fernández, José Antonio del; Fernández Irigoyen, Joaquín; Santamaría, Enrique
4-Jul-2021Dysregulated protein phosphorylation: A determining condition in the continuum of brain aging and Alzheimer's diseaseFerrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Andrés Benito, Pol; Ausín, Karina; Pamplona, Reinald; Río Fernández, José Antonio del; Fernández Irigoyen, Joaquín; Santamaría, Enrique
13-Jan-2016Early and gender-specific differences in spinal cord mitochondrial function and oxidative stress markers in a mouse model of ALSCacabelos, Daniel; Ramírez Núñez, Omar; Granado Serrano, Ana Belén; Torres, Pascual; Ayala, Victòria; Moiseeva, Victoria; Povedano, Mònica; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Pamplona, Reinald; Portero Otin, Manuel; Boada, Jordi
11-Jun-2019Early-Onset Molecular Derangements in the Olfactory Bulb of Tg2576 Mice: Novel Insights Into the Stress-Responsive Olfactory Kinase Dynamics in Alzheimer’s DiseaseLachen Montes, Mercedes; González Morales, Andrea; Palomino, Maialen; Ausin, Karina; Gómez Ochoa, Marta; Zelaya, María Victoria; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Pérez Mediavilla, Alberto; Fernández Irigoyen, Joaquín; Santamaría, Enrique