Màster Oficial - Lingüística Aplicada i Adquisició de Llengües en Contextos Multilingües Collection home page

Treballs finals del Màster de Lingüística Aplicada i Adquisició de Llengües en Contextos Multilingües del Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya de la UB.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 67
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019“Welcome to America”: Immigrants’ perceptions of welcomeness as a factor in L2 acquisitionMontgomery, Ian
2019Bilingualism effects on executive functioning: the case of Irish-English and Catalan-Spanish bilingualsGambicchia, Elisa
2020It’s not whether you win or lose: investigating the use of serious games and L2 reading developmentIsraelsson, David S.
2019The crosslinguistic role of morphological awareness in reading: a state-of-the-art reviewHurrell, Benjamin J. E.
Jul-2020Measuring orthographic and phonological vocabulary size in EFL learners: the impact of cognateness and out-of-school exposureNardon, Andrea
Jul-2018The effects of TV series on pragmatic developmentKhazdouzian, Yashar
2018An exploratory case-study into tensions between classroom practices and EFL teachers’, learners’ and coursebook writers’ beliefs on grammar instructionFlaherty, Tom
Jul-2018Factors influencing English multi-word units knowledge in Russian speakers. Partial replication of Revier (2009)Khlebopros, Tatiana
Jul-2017Intentional and incidental learning of english grammar through captioned video exposurePlotnikova, Anastasiia
Feb-2018The use and needs of English in the workplace context of CataloniaLarsen Neville, Laura
Jul-2018Heritage language maintenance in a diplomat family: A case studySvizeva, Ksenia
Jul-2018The acquisition of formulaic language through subtitles: a study across genresSánchez de la Viña Rodríguez, Inés
Feb-2017Task-based Assessment of L2 Pragmatics: Eliciting Authentic Suggestion Strategies in an EFL ContextPattemore, Matthew
Sep-2017Task complexity effects on the acquisition of an L2 vowel contrast: A task-based pronunciation teaching studyMora Plaza, Íngrid
Jul-2015From Primary to Secondary School: a Case Study of Changes in Language Attitudes among Students of the Bilingual Programs in AlacantPastor Pastor, Davinia
Jul-2015Defining and Operationalizing Propositional Complexity into Idea Units: Effects of Mode, Discourse Type, Task Type and Task ComplexityParra Paños, Laura
2015English Language Learníng beyond the Classroom WallsIvars Olmedo, Mercedes
Jul-2014The role of exposure to Spanish-accented Catalan in the perception of accentedness by Catalan-Spanish bilingual listenersVega Olmedo, Renato
Jun-2014Mind the gaps: A comparison of pronominal forms of address in the Spanish and Catalan spoken by students in BarcelonaOsvath, Alexandra K.
Jul-2015Studying Catalan as an L2 in a foreign context: Who and Why. Learners’ profile, attitudes and motivationsManuel, Ruben
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 67