Browsing by Author Tello, Enric

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Showing results 36 to 55 of 91 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011'Formiguers', a historical system of soil fertilization (and biochar production?)Olarieta, José Ramón; Padró i Caminal, Roc; Masip Vilà, Gemma; Rodríguez Ochoa, Rafael; Tello, Enric
Jul-2018From feudal colonization to agrarian capitalism in Mallorca: Peasant endurance under the rise and fall of large states (1229-1900)Tello, Enric; Jover i Avellà, Gabriel; Murray, Ivan; Fullana, Onofre; Soto i Company, Ricard, 1954-
Apr-2018From vineyards to feedlots: a fund-flow scanning of sociometabolic transition in the Vallès County (Catalonia) 1860-1956-1999Marco Lafuente, Inés; Padró i Caminal, Roc; Cattaneo, Claudio; Caravaca, Jonathan; Tello, Enric
Apr-2021Geographic expansion and intensification of coffee-growing in Costa Rica during the green revolution (1950-1980): drivers and outcomesMontero Mora, Andrea; Badia-Miró, Marc; Tello, Enric
2018Global-scale comparisons of human land use: developing shared terminology for land-use practices for global changeMorrison, Kathleen D.; Tello, Enric; Hammer, Emily; Popova, Laura; Madella, Marco; Whitehouse, Nicki; Gaillard, Marie-José
May-2020How farmers shape cultural landscapes. Dealing with information in farm systems (Vallès County, Catalonia, 1860)Font Moragón, Carme; Padró i Caminal, Roc; Cattaneo, Claudio; Marull, Joan; Tello, Enric; Alabert, Aureli; Farré, Mercè
2008L'especialització vitícola catalana i la formació del mercat blader espanyol: una nova lectura socio-ambiental de la comercialització dels sistemes agraris a la província de Barcelona a la segona meitat del segle XIXGarrabou, Ramon, 1937-; Tello, Enric; Cussó i Segura, Xavier
2007La persistència de conreu de cereals a la província de Barcelona a mitjan segle XIXGarrabou, Ramon, 1937-; Cussó i Segura, Xavier; Tello, Enric
Feb-2022La pèrdua de paisatge en mosaic i d'eficiència metabòlica agrària a la Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona (1956-2009)Tello, Enric; Cattaneo, Claudio; Olarieta, José Ramón; Sacristán Adinolfi, Vera
1983La producció cerealícola a les petites explotacions pageses al Pla de Mallorca (1850-1851)Tello, Enric
Jun-2013La transformació històrica del paisatge entre l'economia, l'ecologia i la història: podem posar a prova la hipòtesi de Margalef?Tello, Enric
1986La utilizació del censal a la Segarra del set-cents: crèdit rural i explotació usuràriaTello, Enric
Jul-2020Labour, nature, and exploitation: Social metabolism and inequality in a farming community in mid‐19th century CataloniaMarco Lafuente, Inés; Padró i Caminal, Roc; Tello, Enric
2015Land abandonment, landscape, and biodiversity: questioning the restorative character of the forest transition in the MediterraneanOtero Armengol, Iago; Marull, Joan; Tello, Enric; Diana, Giovanna L.; Pons Sanvidal, Manel; Coll, Francesc; Boada Juncà, Martí
2012Land use changes, landscape ecology and their socioeconomic driving forces in the Spanish Mediterranean coast (the Maresme County, 1850-2005)Parcerisas i Benedé, Lluís, 1978-; Marull, Joan; Pino i Vilalta, Joan; Tello, Enric; Coll, Francesc; Basnou, Corina
Apr-2017Land, food and labour in pre-industrial agro-ecosystems: a socio-ecological perspective on early 19th century seigneurial systemsGizicki-Neundlinger, Michael; Gingrich, Simone; Güldner, Dino; Krausmann, Fridolin; Tello, Enric
Dec-2018Land-use and rural inequality profiles in the province of Barcelona in mid-nineteenth centuryTello, Enric; Badia-Miró, Marc
Dec-2018Landscape Agroecology. The Dysfunctionalities of Industrial Agriculture and the Loss of the Circular Bioeconomy in the Barcelona Region, 1956-2009Cattaneo, Claudio; Marull, Joan; Tello, Enric
Dec-2015Long-term bio-cultural heritage: exploring the intermediate disturbance hypothesis in agro-ecological landscapes (Mallorca, c. 1850-2012)Marull, Joan; Tello, Enric; Fullana, Onofre; Murray, Ivan; Jover i Avellà, Gabriel; Font Moragón, Carme; Coll, Francesc; Domene, Elena; Leoni, Veronica; Decolli, Trejsi
Aug-2014Looking Backwards into a Mediterranean Edge Environment: Landscape Changes in El Congost Valley (Catalonia), 1850-2005Tello, Enric; Valldeperas, Natàlia; Ollés, Anna; Marull, Joan; Coll, Francesc; Warde, Paul; Wilcox, Paul Thomas