Màster Oficial - Matemàtica Avançada Collection home page

Treballs finals del Màster en Matemàtica Avançada de la Facultat de Matemàtiques i Informàtica de la Universitat de Barcelona

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 82
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
28-Jun-2024Extended persistence and duality in cubical complexesCui, Junhan
4-Sep-2023Cayley graphs and endomorphism monoidsSánchez Aragón, Sergi
Sep-2023Time-dependent topological snalysis for cardiovascular disease diagnosis using magnetic resonancePrada Malagón, Juan David
Sep-2023Accessible higher modalitiesPiña Urgell, Jan Ot
28-Jun-2023Study of stochastic differential equations driven by fractional brownian motionSerrat i Castella, Abel
28-Jun-2023Matlis duality, inverse systems and classification of Artin algebrasSánchez Ruiz, Noelia
21-Jun-2023Credit risk modelling and valuation of CoCo bondsSan José Couremetis, Isaac
28-Jun-2023Jet transport for general linear methodsPita Forrier, Philip
28-Jun-2023On the Gromov-Hausdorff distance between compact spacesMartínez Vergara, Rafael
28-Jun-2023Bridgeland stability conditions on surfacesLlàcer Sansaloni, Lluı́s
28-Jun-2023Large images for Galois representations attached to generic modular formsGuiot Cusidó, Miquel
28-Jun-2023Equivariant cohomology and free $(\mathbb{Z} / 2)^n$-complexesGarriga i Puig, Jordi
28-Jun-2023The optimal transport problem and its applicationsGarcía Arias, Pablo
28-Jun-2023Rough volatility models using the signature transform: theory and calibrationDíaz Lozano, Pere
28-Jun-2023Convergence to the brownian motionCano i Cànovas, Marc
28-Jun-2023Fermat’s Last Theorem on totally real fieldsAbdul Parveen, Habib Ullah
Sep-2022Modern portfolio optimizationConde Montero, Fernando
2-Sep-2022Variacions de diagrames de persistència en classificacióRoura i Cubí, Antonino
Jun-2022Modeling the homotopy theory of spaces via posetsSendón Blanco, Alba
28-Jun-2022Weighted Fourier inequalities and uncertainty principle relationsSaucedo Cuesta, Miquel
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 82