Browsing by Author Eritja i Casadellà, Ramon

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Showing results 28 to 47 of 48 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
4-Nov-2014RANA/aTNA chimeras: RNAi effects and nuclease resistance of single and double-stranded RNAsAlagia, Adele; Terrazas Martínez, Montserrat; Eritja i Casadellà, Ramon
6-Sep-2013Solution equilibria of cytosine- and guanine-rich sequences near the promoter region of the n-myc gene that contain stable hairpins within lateral loopsBenabou Zdaou, Sanae; Ferreira Aguilera, Rubén; Aviñó Andrés, Anna; González, Carlos; Lyonnais, Sébastien; Solà Vilarrubias, Maria; Eritja i Casadellà, Ramon; Jaumot Soler, Joaquim; Gargallo Gómez, Raimundo
4-Oct-2019Stabilization of c-KIT G-Quadruplex DNA structures by the RNA polymerase I inhibitors BMH-21 and BA-41Mazzini, Stefania; Gargallo Gómez, Raimundo; Musso, Loana; De Santis, Francesca; Aviñó Andrés, Anna; Scaglioni, Leonardo; Eritja i Casadellà, Ramon; Di Nicola, Massimo; Zunino, Franco; Amatulli, Annabella; Dallavalle, Sabrina
13-Apr-2017Stabilization of telomeric i-motif structures by (2'S)-2'-deoxy-2'-C-methyl-cytidine residuesAviñó Andrés, Anna; Dellafiore, Maria; Gargallo Gómez, Raimundo; González, Carlos; Iribarren, Adolfo M.; Montserrat, Javier; Eritja i Casadellà, Ramon
1-Apr-2010Stepwise synthesis of oligonucleotide-peptide conjugates containing guanidinium and lipophilic groups in their 3'-terminiGrijalvo, Santiago; Terrazas Martínez, Montserrat; Aviñó Andrés, Anna; Eritja i Casadellà, Ramon
15-Mar-2013Structure and stability of human telomeric G-quadruplex with preclinical 9-amino acridinesFerreira Aguilera, Rubén; Artali, Roberto; Benoit, Adam; Gargallo Gómez, Raimundo; Eritja i Casadellà, Ramon; Ferguson, David M.; Sham, Yuk Y.; Mazzini, Stefania
1-Mar-2021Studies on the interactions of Ag(I) with DNA and their implication on the DNA-templated synthesis of silver nanoclusters and on the interaction with complementary DNA and RNA sequencesHoz, Alejandra de la; Navarro, Alba; Aviñó Andrés, Anna; Eritja i Casadellà, Ramon; Gargallo Gómez, Raimundo
13-Nov-2020Study of alkaloid berberine and its interaction with the human telomeric i-motif DNA structureGargallo Gómez, Raimundo; Aviñó Andrés, Anna; Eritja i Casadellà, Ramon; Jarosova, Petra; Mazzini, Stefania; Scaglioni, Leonardo; Taborsky, Petr
6-Aug-2018Study of conformational transitions of i-motif DNA using time-resolved fluorescence and multivariate analysis methodsBenabou Zdaou, Sanae; Ruckebusch, Cyril; Sliwa, Michel; Aviñó Andrés, Anna; Eritja i Casadellà, Ramon; Gargallo Gómez, Raimundo; Juan Capdevila, Anna de
17-Jul-2023Study of DNA nanostructures with biomedical applicationsClua Villas, Anna
10-Jul-2018Study of light-induced formation of photodimers in the i-motif nucleic acid structure by rapid-scan FTIR difference spectroscopy and hybrid hard- and soft-modellingBenabou Zdaou, Sanae; Ruckebusch, Cyril; Sliwa, Michel; Aviñó Andrés, Anna; Eritja i Casadellà, Ramon; Gargallo Gómez, Raimundo; Juan Capdevila, Anna de
16-Nov-2010Synthesis and properties of small interfering RNA duplexes carrying 5-ethyluridine residuesTerrazas Martínez, Montserrat; Eritja i Casadellà, Ramon
15-Jul-2013Synthesis, RNAi activity and nuclease-resistant properties of apolar carbohydrates siRNA conjugatesVengut Climent, Empar; Terrazas Martínez, Montserrat; Lucas, Ricardo; Arévalo Ruiz, Matilde; Eritja i Casadellà, Ramon; Morales, Juan Carlos
2-Oct-2016The effect of l-thymidine, acyclic thymine and 8-bromoguanine on the stability of model G-quadruplex structuresAviñó Andrés, Anna; Mazzini, Stefania; Fàbrega i Claveria, Ma. Carme; Peñalver, Pablo; Gargallo Gómez, Raimundo; Morales, J.C.; Eritja i Casadellà, Ramon
5-Feb-2016The Effect of Small Cosolutes that Mimic Molecular Crowding Conditions on the Stability of Triplexes Involving Duplex DNAAviñó Andrés, Anna; Mazzini, Stefania; Gargallo Gómez, Raimundo; Eritja i Casadellà, Ramon
15-Mar-2021The gene silencing of IRF5 and BLYSS effectively modulates the outcome of experimental lupus nephritisGuiteras, Jordi; Ripoll Llagostera, Èlia; Bolaños, Núria; Ramon, Laura de; Fontova, Pere; Cruzado, Josep Ma.; Lloberas Blanch, Núria; Aran Perramon, Josep M.; Aviñó Andrés, Anna; Eritja i Casadellà, Ramon; Gomà, Montse; Taco, Rosario; Grinyó Boira, Josep M.; Torras Ambròs, Joan
9-Mar-2017The human mitochondrial transcription factor A is a versatile G-quadruplex binding proteinLyonnais, Sébastien; Tarrés Solé, Aleix; Rubio Cosials, Anna; Cuppari, Anna; Brito, Reicy; Jaumot Soler, Joaquim; Gargallo Gómez, Raimundo; Vilaseca Casas, Marta; Silva, Cristina; Granzham, Anton; Teulade-Fichou, Marie-Paule; Eritja i Casadellà, Ramon; Solà Vilarrubias, Maria
25-Apr-2019The Origins and the Biological Consequences of the Pur/Pyr DNA·RNA AsymmetryTerrazas Martínez, Montserrat; Genna, Vito; Portella, Guillem; Villegas, Núria; Sánchez, Dani; Arnan, Carme; Pulido Quetglas, Carlos; Johnson, Rory; Guigó Serra, Roderic; Brun Heath, Isabelle; Aviñó Andrés, Anna; Eritja i Casadellà, Ramon; Orozco López, Modesto
24-Dec-2020Tuning G-quadruplex nanostructures with lipids. Towards designing hybrid scaffolds for oligonucleotide deliveryGrijalvo, Santiago; Clua, Anna; Eres, Marc; Gargallo Gómez, Raimundo; Eritja i Casadellà, Ramon
9-Feb-2016Understanding the effect of the nature of the nucleobase in the loops on the stability of the i-motif structureBenabou Zdaou, Sanae; Garavís, Miguel; Lyonnais, Sébastien; Eritja i Casadellà, Ramon; González, Carlos; Gargallo Gómez, Raimundo