Browsing by Author Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda)

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Showing results 148 to 167 of 266 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Lipid alterations in lipid rafts from alzheimer's disease human brain cortexMartín, Virginia; Fabelo, Noemí; Santpere Baró, Gabriel; Puig Martorell, Berta; Marín, Raquel; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Díaz, Mario
9-May-2018Lipid profile in human frontal cortex is sustained throught healthy adult lifde span to decay at advanced agesCabré, Rosanna; Naudi, Alba; Domínguez González, Mayelín; Jove, Mariona; Ayala, Victòria; Mota-Martorell, Natalia; Portero Otin, Manuel; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Pamplona, Reinald; Pradas, Irene; Nogueras, Lara; Rué, Montserrat
1-Jul-2018Lipid raft aging in the human frontal cortex during nonpathological aging: gender influences and potential implications in Alzehimer's diseaseDíaz, Mario; Fabelo, Noemí; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Marín, Raquel
1-Jan-2017Lipid raft ER signalosome malfunctions in menopause in Alzheimer's diseaseCanerina-Amaro, Ana; Hernandez-Abad, Luis G.; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Quinto-Alemany, David; Mesa-Herrera, Fatima; Ferri, Carla; Puertas-Avendaño, Ricardo A.; Diaz, Mario; Marín, Raquel
1-Jan-2021Lipidomic traits of plasma and cerebrospinal fluid in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis correlate with disease progressionSol, Joaquim; Jové, Mariona; Povedano Panades, Mónica; Sproviero, William; Domínguez, Raul; Piñol Ripoll, Gerard; Romero Guevara, Ricardo; Hye, Abdul; Al-Chalabi, Ammar; Torres, Pascual; Andres Benito, Pol; Area Gómez, Estela; Pamplona, Reinald; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Ayala, Victòria; Portero Otín, Manuel
1-Feb-2019Lipids and lipoxidation in human brain aging. Mitochondrial ATP-synthase as a key lipoxidation targetJove, Mariona; Pradas, Irene; Domínguez González, Mayelín; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Pamplona, Reinald
Aug-2017Locus coeruleus at asymptomatic early and middle Braak stages of neurofibrillary tangle pathologyAndrés Benito, Pol; Fernández Dueñas, Víctor; Carmona Murillo, Margarita; Escobar, L.A.; Torrejón-Escribano, Benjamín; Aso Pérez, Ester; Ciruela Alférez, Francisco; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda)
27-Oct-2020Locus coeruleus connectivity alterations in late-life major depressive disorder during a visual oddball taskCerro San Ildefonso, Inés del; Martínez Zalacaín, Ignacio; Guinea Izquierdo, Andrés; Gascón-Bayarri, Jordi; Viñas Díez, Vanesa; Urretavizcaya Sarachaga, Mikel; Naval Baudin, Pablo; Aguilera, Carles; Reñé Ramírez, Ramon; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Menchón Magriñá, José Manuel; Soria, Virginia; Soriano Mas, Carles
Dec-2017Loss of SIRT2 leads to axonal degeneration and locomotor disability associated with redox and energy imbalanceFourcade, Stéphane; Morató, Laia; Parameswaran, Janani; Ruiz, Montserrat; Ruiz-Cortés, Tatiana; Jove, Mariona; Naudi, Alba; Martínez Redondo, Paloma; Dierssen, Mara; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Villarroya i Gombau, Francesc; Pamplona, Reinald; Vaquero García, Alejandro; Portero Otin, Manuel; Pujol Onofre, Aurora
16-Feb-2021Lower Locus Coeruleus MRI intensity in patients with late-life major depressionGuinea Izquierdo, Andrés; Giménez, Mònica; Martínez Zalacaín, Ignacio; Cerro San Ildefonso, Inés del; Canal Noguer, Pol; Blasco, Gerard; Gascón-Bayarri, Jordi; Reñé Ramírez, Ramon; Rico, Inmaculada; Camins, Àngels; Aguilera, Carles; Urretavizcaya Sarachaga, Mikel; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Menchón Magriñá, José Manuel; Soria, Virginia; Soriano Mas, Carles
1-Jan-1984Malformacions cerebrals induïdes per radiacionsSantamaria Cano, Joan
16-Sep-1999Mecanismos de muerte neuronal en la isquemia cerebralFerrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda)
2015Memory improvement in the AβPP/PS1 mouse model of familial Alzheimer's disease induced by carbamylated-erythropoietin is accompanied by modulation of synaptic genesArmand-Ugón, Mercedes; Aso Pérez, Ester; Moreno Castro, Jesús; Riera i Codina, Miquel; Sànchez, Àlex (Sànchez Pla); Vegas Lozano, Esteban; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda)
1-Aug-2014Mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons express a repertoire of olfactory receptors and respond to odorant-like moleculesGrison, Alice; Zucchelli, Silvia; Urzì, Alice; Zamparo, Ilaria; Lazarevic, Dejan; Pascarella, Giovanni; Roncaglia, Paola; Giorgetti, Alejandro; Garcia Esparcia, Paula; Vlachouli, Christina; Simone, Roberto; Persichetti, Francesca; Forrest, Alistair RR; Hayashizaki, Yoshihide; Carloni, Paolo; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Lodovichi, Claudia; Plessy, Charles; FANTOM Consortium; Carninci, Piero; Gustincich, Stefano
Jun-2018MicroRNA alterations in the brain and body fluids of human and animal príon disease models: current status and perspectivesKanata, Eirini; Thüne, Katrin; Xanthopoulos, Konstantinos; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Dafou, Dimitra; Zerr, Inga; Sklaviadis, Theodoros; Llorens Torres, Franc
1981Microvascularización de los tumores cerebrales y factor angiogénico en el líquido cefalorraquídeo tumoralLópez Pousa, Secundino; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda)
Jun-2024miR-519a-3p, found to regulate cellular prion protein during Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis, as a biomarker of asymptomatic stagesJácome, Dayaneth; Cotrufo, Tiziana; Andrés Benito, Pol; Lidón Gil, Laia; Martí Puig, Eulàlia; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Río Fernández, José Antonio del; Gavín Marín, Rosalina
1-Jan-2018Mitochondrial activity in the frontal cortex area 8 and angular gyrus in Parkinson's disease and Parkinson's disease with dementiaGarcia Esparcia, Paula; Koneti, Anusha; Rodríguez-Oroz, M. Cruz; Lago, Belen; Río Fernández, José Antonio del; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda)
26-Mar-2010Modificacions post-traduccionals de l'α-sinucleïna en les malalties neurodegenerativesMuntané Medina, Gerard
29-May-2020Modulation of KDM1A with vafidemstat rescues memory deficit and behavioral alterationsMaes, Tamara; Mascaró, Cristina; Rotllant, David; Pio Lufino, Michele Matteo; Estiarte, Angels; Guibourt, Nathalie; Cavalcanti, Fernando; Griñán Ferré, Christian; Pallàs i Llibería, Mercè, 1964-; Nadal, Roser; Armario, Antonio; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Ortega, Alberto; Valls, Nuria; Fyfe, Matthew; Martinell, Marc; Castro Palomino, Julio; Buea Arjol, Carlos