Browsing by Author Torrents Serra, Eduard

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Showing results 9 to 28 of 46 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
10-Jun-2020Characterization of different alginate lyases for dissolving Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilmsBlanco-Cabra, Núria; Paetzold, Bernhard; Ferrar, Tony; Mazzolini, Rocco; Torrents Serra, Eduard; Serrano, Luis; LLuch-Senar, Maria
26-Apr-2021Deciphering the utility of Galleria mellonella as an infection and toxicity in vivo modelMoyà Anderico, Laura
12-Nov-2022Development of a ternary cyclodextrin-arginine-ciprofloxacin antimicrobial complex with enhanced stabilityVukomanovic, Marija; Gazvoda, Lea; Kurtjak, Mario; Hrescak, Jitka; Jaklic, Bla ; Moya-Andérico, Laura; Cendra Gascón, María del Mar; Torrents Serra, Eduard
22-Jul-2020Differential adaptability between reference strains and clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa into the lung epithelium intracellular lifestyleCendra Gascón, María del Mar; Torrents Serra, Eduard
28-Apr-2016Draft genome sequence of Mycobacterium brumae ATCC 51384D'Auria, Giuseppe; Torrents Serra, Eduard; Luquin, Marina; Comas, Iñaki; Julián, Esther
26-Mar-2021Drug-free Enzyme-based bactericidal nanomotors against pathogenic bacteriaVilela, Diana; Blanco-Cabra, Núria; Eguskiza, Ander; Hortelao, Ana C.; Torrents Serra, Eduard; Sánchez, Samuel
25-Jun-2021Easily applicable modifications to electroporation conditions improve the transformation efficiency rates for rough morphotypes of fast-growing mycobacteriaCampo-Pérez, Víctor; Cendra Gascón, María del Mar; Julián, Esther; Torrents Serra, Eduard
7-Jul-2023Entendiendo la síntesis de ADN en patógenos bacterianos: nuevas estrategias para el tratamiento de enfermedades infecciosasRubio Canalejas, Alba
6-Nov-2013Estudi de l'expressió i funció de les Ribonucleotidil Reductases d'Escherichia coliCendra Gascón, María del Mar
27-Apr-2017Estudi transcripcional i funcional de les ribonucleotidil reductases de Pseudomonas aeruginosaCrespo Puig, Anna
24-Apr-2015Function of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa NrdR Transcription Factor: Global Transcriptomic Analysis and Its Role on Ribonucleotide Reductase Gene ExpressionCrespo Puig, Anna; Pedraz López, Lucas; Torrents Serra, Eduard
5-Jan-2023Genomic analysis of Mycobacterium brumae sustains its nonpathogenic and immunogenic phenotypeRenau-Mínguez, Chantal; Herrero-Abadía, Paula; Ruiz-Rodriguez, Paula; Sentandreu, Vicente; Torrents Serra, Eduard; Chiner-Oms, Álvaro; Torres-Puente, Manuela; Comas, Iñaki; Julián, Esther; Coscolla, Mireia
1-Feb-2019High time resolution and high signal-to-noise monitoring of the bacterial growth kinetics in the presence of plasmonic nanoparticlesVukomanovic, Marija; Torrents Serra, Eduard
11-Dec-2018Hydroxylamine Derivatives as a New Paradigm in the Search of Antibacterial AgentsMiret Casals, Laia; Baelo, Aida; Julián, Esther; Astola, Josep; Lobo Ruiz, Ariadna; Albericio Palomera, Fernando; Torrents Serra, Eduard
1-Sep-2023Investigating bacterial infections in Galleria mellonella larvae: Insights into pathogen dissemination and behaviorAdmella, Joana; Torrents Serra, Eduard
1-Mar-2018Involvement of Cellular Prion Protein in alpha-Synuclein Transport in NeuronsUrrea Zazurca, Laura; Segura Feliu, Miriam; Masuda-Suzukake, Masami; Hervera Abad, Arnau; Pedraz López, Lucas; García Aznar, José Manuel; Vila, Miquel; Samitier i Martí, Josep; Torrents Serra, Eduard; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Gavín Marín, Rosalina; Hagesawa, Masato; Río Fernández, José Antonio del
17-Mar-2015Methyl-Hydroxylamine as an Efficacious Antibacterial Agent That Targets the Ribonucleotide Reductase EnzymeJulián, Esther; Baelo, Aida; Gavalda, Joan; Torrents Serra, Eduard
27-Jul-2022Mimicking the Intestinal Host-Pathogen Interactions in a 3D In Vitro Model: The Role of the Mucus LayerGarcía Díaz, María; Cendra Gascón, María del Mar; Alonso Roman, Raquel; Urdániz, María; Torrents Serra, Eduard; Martínez, Elena
16-Nov-2020Monitoring gene expression during a Galleria mellonella bacterial infectionMoya Andérico, Laura; Admella, Joana; Fernandes, Rodrigo; Torrents Serra, Eduard
2016Mycobacteria emulsified in olive oil-in-water trigger a robust immune response in bladder cancer treatmentNoguera Ortega, Estela; Blanco-Cabra, Núria; Rabanal Prados, Rosa Ma. (Rosa Maria); Sánchez Chardi, Alejandro; Roldán, Mónica; Guallar Garrido, Sandra; Torrents Serra, Eduard; Luquin, Marina; Julián, Esther